Free movement for youth players in Malta

Free movement for youth players in Malta

10th June 2018

Free movement for youth players in Malta

Excellent news was received from the AGM of the Malta Youth FA. A motion to ensure Free Movement of Youth Players without restrictions was passed unanimously.

In his speech, the President of the Youth FA argued that such motion would help retain players in the game since currently, players have been quitting the sports because of the lack of freedom due to current rules.

MFPA has been on a crusade to abolish nursery compensation rules for at least 3 years. It was an uphill battle as the Maltese players union set on a path to convince all the stakeholders that the status quo was untenable. A petition entitled ‘A Cry for Help. Stop the Exploitation of our children in Maltese Football’ was launched in October 2016 and garnered thousands of signatures together with the endorsement of the Commissioner for Children. MFPA presented the Petition and held meetings with all relevant authorities, including; the Prime Minister, the Parliamentary Secretary for Sports, the Leader of Opposition, the Ombudsman, SportsMalta, the EU Commission, the Ministry for Consumer Affairs and the Ministry for Employment and Industrial Affairs, leaving no stone unturned.

MFPA’s contention with Nursery Compensation was not only because it was an unjust burden on families, but also because it was creating a disincentive for our youths to continue playing football. Any grassroot investment was being undermined by rules that were in a real and practical sense barring youths from pursuing this sport.

It is thus with great joy and satisfaction that MFPA received the news today, that the Federation responsible for Youth Football in Malta, is now in agreement about the need for change, and that the motion to change the current rules passed unanimously. This is certainly a step in the right direction and we compliment the Youth FA for the brave measures it is taking. MFPA augurs YFA and MFA smooth and fast negotiations in favour of young players. Freedom of movement for players in Malta is the first step needed if we truly want to enhance our standards.

MFPA extends its collaborative help to any associations working towards improving players conditions for the good of the game.