MFPA to cover the costs of ECG tests for players who test positive for COVID-19

MFPA to cover the costs of ECG tests for players who test positive for COVID-19

18th December 2020

MFPA to cover the costs of ECG tests for players who test positive for COVID-19

Covid-19 has brought about unprecedented challenges for everyone. Despite all the hurdles, the administration and staff within the Malta Football Association have effectively handled the arising issues to the very best of their ability.

As a Player’s Association, we are grateful for their hard work and efforts to keep our players safe. From our end, MFPA has been trying to help in any way we can. During the past year we have provided clubs with Covid-19 prevention kits, assisted players with training and nutrition plans, as well as provided mental health services to players who have sought help.

To further support the collective effort in dealing with the COVID-19 challenges, and in addition to the vital work of the Malta FA, we have now offered to cover the costs of ECG tests at the Millennium Clinic, Ta' Qali that must be conducted by players who have tested positive for Covid-19. This initiative applies to players who are MFPA paid-up members.

We look forward to strengthening this collaboration with clubs and all stakeholders in the best interest of the local football family.