MFPA Best Player 2012/2013 shortlist announced.
MFPA Best Player 2012/2013 shortlist announced.
MFPA Best Player 2012/2013 shortlist announced.
MFPA Best Player 2012/2013 shortlist announced.
24th May 2013
The nominations for this year's MFPA Player of the Year Award have been announced, with 21 players from 8 different teams contesting for this esteemed award.
Jhonnattann Da Conceicao - BKR
Paul Fenech - BKR
Justin Haber - BKR
Edward Herrera - BKR
Gareth Sciberras - BKR
Alejandro Mendoza - BKR
Igor Coronado - FLR
Andrew Cohen - HIB
Clayton Failla - HIB
Bjorn Kristensenn - HIB
Mario Muscat - HIB
Rodolfo Suarez - HIB
Luis Negrin - RBT
Diego Pendas - RBT
Shaun Bajada - SLM
Alex Muscat - SLM
Julian Galea - MLT
Mariano Bueno - TRX
William Barbosa - VLT
Jonathan Caruana - VLT
Ryan Fenech - VLT
MFPA members will be able to vote online in the coming days for the best 3 players. Members will not be able to vote for players playing in their team.