Educational opportunities for football players rank high on FIFPRO’s priority list and MFPA completely concurs. As a Players’ Association, the MFPA feels duty bound to help its members by giving them the best opportunities in order for them to be successful in their life after the end of their active football career.
Keeping in mind, that the average career of a professional football player is approximately only 10 years, and that the absolute vast majority of professional players do not make anywhere near enough money to retire comfortably after football, many players will need a new career by the age of 35 or earlier, this is where education becomes crucial.
With the advent of online learning, and different educational paths available, a professional footballer today, does not have to choose between a football career and his education. In fact both can be easily combined in parallel. The MFPA actively advocates for, both a football career as well as a comprehensive education. This will ensure a smoother transition between careers.
MFPA members can easily apply to any one of the courses by logging in to the MFPA dashboard and selecting - Apply for Educational Course. MFPA members may also be elgibile for the Get Qualified scheme. Upon successful completion the student will benefit from a tax credit enabling them to recover up to 70% of the costs incurred. Moreover MFPA has also a scheme in place to help with the remaining costs on a case by case basis.
1. Educational Courses
MFPA has also held discussions with MCAST and ITS to discuss possible ways in which professional football players can benefit from the wide array of courses available at the MCAST and ITS Campuses. MCAST offers academic, technical and hands on courses which might appeal to football players seeking to get a better education, namely in ICT, Media, Business, Design, and Sports Management. Players interested in discussing their options with regards to an MCAST course will be assisted and guided by MFPA in order to build an educational portfolio whilst actively playing football.
3. English Language Course
MFPA launched the Very Basic, Basic and Intermediate English Langauge courses with the aim to help foreign players to better communicate with their teammates, staff and develop the ability to use English in day-to-day life and real-life situations. MFPA is encouraging foreign players from different clubs to take part. Learning skills in parallel with a football career is essential for a player’s overall financial stability. For this reason, the MFPA continues to invest in educational opportunities for football players.